Thursday 15 December 2011

If You Want The Coat Of Your Dog To Look Like New All The time?

If you want the coat of your dog to look like new all the time, to prevent excessive hair loss, and to keep the dog’s skin healthy, daily carrying for your dog’s fur should become a real pleasure for both you and the dog.

It is good that you start brushing your dog’s fur from the beginning, very gentle and careful, avoiding at the same time pulling healthy hairs, and also avoiding “painful areas” in case your dogs signalizes it has any (in which case you should also find out the cause of the painful arias). If you don’t start by doing the above mentioned, you will end up chasing your dog around the house every time you have to groom the fur, you will also experience trouble with tangled hair, and you will collect piles of dog hair from your carpet.

For starters, you must pick the right tools you need for grooming your dog that must be adapted to the hair type of your dog. In this purpose:

Ordinary dog brush with round endings – you can purchase that from any cosmetic store or supermarket. It suits most hair types; you can use quick short movements, done in the growth direction of the hair.

For short hair type breeds, grooming follows the opposite direction, in order to eliminate soft dead hairs, but you must not forget to brush the hair back to its natural position. For longhaired dogs, you must use the brush deep into the fur, not only on the surface of it.

You need a thick brush (natural or synthetic fiber, similar to the texture of the clothing brush) and this type of brush is a bit harder to find. But you can start in a cosmetic stores only for dogs with short hair, because, even if it leaves the fur nice and shiny it can “electrify” the hair, giving the dog an uncomfortable sensation, which, in time can determine the dog to stop liking it.

Brushing is necessary only in the growth direction of the hair. This type of brush usage is also necessary for uniform application of lanoline, if necessary, after you have bathed the dog.

Special, rectangular brush, with metal endings, though the endings are bended a little (you can usually find that in any pet shop). Due to the metallic texture, you must only very careful use it for brushing shorthaired dogs, because the thin teeth of the brush can harm the dog’s skin. This type of brush is good for longhaired dogs.

The grooming itself must be proceeded with care, gentle movements, and one hair lock at a time, holding each of it tight between the fingers, in order to avoid pulling healthy hairs. Never brush the dog the opposite direction with this type of brush!

Special glove, with a rubber side and soft rubber plasticized teeth, which you can usually find at any pet shop – it is used for massaging the dog’s skin, stimulating blood flow, and also for dead hairs removal.

You must not use this tool for the actual brushing the dog’s fur, but you can use it after the actual grooming with a brush of the type above mentioned.

Comb – regular one (a metallic type round ending comb is recommended). This comb is necessary only for the longhaired dogs, a dense one for soft hair, and a scarce one for rough type of fur, for tangled or easily tangling hair.

Combing the dog is useful after the brushing, in the growth direction of the hair. In order to untangle some “knots”, you should first restrain the “guilty” hair lock between your fingers and carefully comb it.

Scissors – usual ones or special – purchased from a pet shop, paper store or a cosmetic store, is used to remove extra hair and hair locks (fringe, for some breeds like Caniche), excess ear hair, etc.

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