Wednesday 18 January 2012

Care For Ear Infection In Dogs

We will start by telling you a story. Once upon a time, an ordinary family, we do not give names, so we will just call them the Smiths, had a playful cute loving dog they raised like their own child. One fine happy day, a little girl was born in the family and so time went by until the little girls turned three. She and the dog were getting along just fine, but, one other doomed day, while the girl was playing with the dog, she pulled his ears, and all of the sudden, the dog turned around and bit her face so hard that they needed thirty stitches to cover her wound. The parents gave the dog to the pounds, without even giving any thought at all about the reasons that might have determined the dog to react in such a violent way, and change his behavior so sudden. The dog was actually suffering from ear infection, very nasty and very painful.

Ear infection started from the exterior pavilion, and because the owners neglected the dog and the infection, it got worse, becoming very painful, and the moment the little girl grabbed his ear the dog reacted instinctively, it was a pain reaction.
Show your dog the same tenderness, love, and affection you show to your own child. You must also become very receptive to a possible infection signs and try to avoid it by seeing the vet on a regular basis. Many things can cause ear infection. If you do not dry your dog’s ears after bathing it, if an excessive wax, accumulation occurs, do not use cotton buds, because you will only push the dirt deeper in the dog’s ear, if you do not notice the ticks, etc, all those reasons can lead to a ear infection. If you notice your dog scratching the ears too much, shaking the head, or holding his head it an unnatural position, or if the ears seem swollen, if you notice blood or too much wax, you should have your dog checked up by a vet. In addition, if your dog starts whipping when you touch its ears that is still a sign of a potential ear infection.
As the infection develops, it goes deeper and deeper into the auditory channel of the dog, and inducing more and more pain to the dog. You might notice the log leans the head on one side or keeps it still. That only happens because any touch or movement, even opening mouth cause a huge amount of pain to the poor animal.
Another sign could be the dog’s dizziness and lack of balance and coordination, as the infection moves in. You can also observe the dog walking in circles or vomiting a lot.
Just like human ear infections, dog ear infections from bacteria can be treated using antibiotics like Azithromycin, Clavamox, or Amoxicillin. However, you need to know what type of ear infection your dog has before throwing medication at the problem. Bacteria is not the only cause of ear infections in dogs - yeast and mites have also been known to cause them. It's always best to have a veterinarian look at your dog's ear before proceeding with a treatment plan.
Dog ear infections are often associated with skin allergies, especially food allergies. Food sensitivity is an expression, which describes general adverse reaction to food. There are two major sensitivity types:
Food allergy or hyperactive sensibility - it appears when organism has a sensitivity determined by an immune reaction to a particular ingredient (allergen) that the food contains.
Food intolerance – when the sensitivity has other causes than the immune causes.
The signs by which you can detect this are usually digestive, skin irritations, and even if they are not dangerous, they still affect the quality of your pet’s life, and therefore, yours too.
The mechanism of the food sensitivity is complex, but in the case of the food allergy, the allergen, which causes it, is always a protein. Once the allergy is there, it can last a whole life, that is why eliminating the ingredient that causes it is the key treatment for the allergy, and this way, your beloved pet will live a great life, and so will you.

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