Wednesday 11 January 2012

How To Protect Your Puppy Dog From Disease?

Dogs make excellent pets. Pet lovers would usually take care of dog from childhood to adulthood. Puppies, after all, are easier to train, and you can bond more easily with your pet if you start from a young age. Puppies can be prone to all sorts of disease and sickness, though. In some cases, unprotected puppies can be susceptible to serious conditions that can even lead to death.
Here are a few ways you can ensure your puppy stays free from disease.
Choose good parentage. Before choosing a dog, it would be a good idea to consult with your veterinarian on what to do to ensure his health. You can also consult with kennel owners and breeders on the best type of dog for your needs. you can choose small toy dogs, big work dogs, or more friendlier varieties.
Choose puppies from strong and healthy parents. Your puppy should be alert and lively. You can usually determine activity from alert eyes and an active tail. Dogs can be rowdy, and that’s normal. If your puppy is lethargic, then there might be something wrong with him.

Vaccinate your dog. Once you acquire or adopt your puppy, take him to the vet within three days. The veterinarian will examine him for parasites, worms, and will see if he has had his shots (depending on the papers given to you by the kennel or adoption agency). If he hasn’t had his shots yet, the veterinarian will make sure he gets his important immunizations and anti-rabies shots. You will be given a schedule of subsequent shots, such as boosters, so you don’t miss these.
While your puppy finishes his shots and boosters, stay away from other dogs and places that dogs frequent, such as dog parks and dog shows. He can still catch diseases here from which he is not yet vaccinated.
Spay or neuter your dog. Dogs can sometimes exhibit territorial behavior if they are not spayed or neutered. Unless you want your dog to breed, you will want to have him spayed or neutered. This is ideally done between six to 12 months of age.

Keep him at bay. When outdoors or in strange places, keep your dog in his leash. Puppies have a knack for exploring, and he might touch, eat or do something dangerous. Take caution when going in the wild, or when taking a picnic. Your puppy can ingest poisonous plants or touch poisonous animals like toads and the like.
Give him lots of exercise and good nutrition. Exercise and nutrition are a big part of a dog’s health. Give him space to roam around in your yard. Give him daily walks. Give him enough food and water.
Schedule your visits to the veterinarian. Your puppy should have an annual exam, so he can undergo cleaning of his teeth, deworming, and his booster shots. Make sure he’s comfortable with your vet, so he doesn’t make a fuss when you go visit.
Groom your puppy. Grooming is also an important part of your dog’s health. Maintain hygiene at all times. Give him regular baths, clip his claws, and brush his hair. This can help you spot parasites like ticks and fleas more easily.

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